Welcomer Formatting

Discohook Utils allows you to set some placeholders for your hello and goodbye messages with /welcomer. Here's an example, and what it looks like can be seen below.


The member who joined or left (or was kicked/banned)

Attribute Description Example
name The member's name Discohook Utils
discriminator The member's discriminator 4333
tag The member's full tag Discohook Utils#4333
mention The member's mention @Discohook Utils
avatar_url The member's avatar URL, without https:// cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/792842038332358656/da056550fd65a4d7e4636cb1707ca801.png?size=1024
default_avatar_url The member's default avatar URL, without https:// cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/3.png
bot Whether the member is a bot True
created When the member joined Discord 12/27/2020
created_relative ^ but relative 10 months ago
created_long ^ but long-form Sunday, December 27, 2020 1:51 PM


The current server

Attribute Description Example
name The server's name Discohook
icon_url The server's icon URL, without https:// cdn.discordapp.com/icons/668218342779256857/a_76be0060e74977fa7e9c688f752ba342.gif?size=1024
created When the server was created 01/18/2020
created_relative ^ but relative 2 years ago
created_long ^ but long-form Saturday, January 18, 2020 4:21 PM
members The number of members in the server 7,069
roles The number of roles in the server 35
channels The number of channels in the server 26
boosts The number of boosts the server has 4
emoji_limit The maximum number of emojis the server can have 200
sticker_limit The maximum number of stickers the server can have 15